4 Morning Habits of the World’s Longest-Lived People

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4 Morning Habits of the World's Longest-Lived People

You’d be careless if you did not at least take a look at how those living in the Blue Zones (Ikaria, Greece; Loma Linda, California; Sardinia, Italy; Okinawa, Japan; and Nicoya, Costa Rica), where people frequently live to be 100 years old, begin their days.

Dan Buettner, an author and adventurer who helped to pioneer research on longevity hotspots, has made it his mission to reveal exactly what it is that residents of these areas do throughout their lives to maintain their remarkably good health. The sharing of knowledge has the goal to assist others in living longer lives as well, from the low-protein diet to the significance of community and connection. A couple of these habits can be followed in the morning, right after waking up, to get the day going.

4 daily habits from the Blue Zones that promote longevity

1. Find your ‘ikigai’

What motivates you to get out of bed in the morning? What motivates you? One of the practices practiced by the inhabitants of at least one of the Blue Zones is finding whatever that is and wholeheartedly embracing it.

The Japanese idea of ikigai is about finding your soul’s passion and living a purposeful life. According to the Blue Zones, having a purpose provides you a reason to get out of bed in the morning as you get older, which is linked to longevity.

If you’re unsure of where to start, neurologists and author of Awakening Your Ikigai Ken Mogi recently explained to Well+Good how to access that inner power. Starting with the five pillars of starting small, accepting oneself, connecting with people and the world, finding joy in the simple things, and being present, according to Mogi, is typically how the process begins.

2. Dont skip a Healthy breakfast

Unsurprisingly, keeping a good diet is essential for staying alive to 100 years old. According to Buettner, adhering to a balanced diet can support a long, healthy life. He cites plant-based diets and the Mediterranean diet as examples. The most crucial meal of the day, breakfast, is a part of this.

One 105-year-old woman from Loma Linda, California, swears by a hearty dish of slow-cooked oatmeal to start her day. It’s a very simple breakfast to prepare and is topped with fiber-friendly dates, healthful walnuts, and a splash of high in protein soy milk. According to Buettner, she follows each bowl with a “prune juice shooter” to help start things going and lower cholesterol and blood pressure.

3. Enjoy a cup of coffee in the morning

The people of each of the five Blue Zones enjoy their morning brew. Buettner’s findings showed that “drink up to two or three cups of black coffee per day.” The American Heart Association found that drinking coffee—caffeinated or decaffeinated—was linked to a reduced risk of overall mortality.

That’s not implying you should fill your cup to the brim with sweet cream lattes or six packets of sugar, however. Instead, choose a plant-based milk substitute and natural sweetener, such as oat milk and agave, with a splash of milk and a teaspoon of sugar in your coffee. Tea is a popular beverage in the Blue Zones, so try replacing your morning coffee with a cup of tea. Make coffee or afternoon tea dates with friends or family to chat, laugh, and get that face-to-face time that is so crucial for health and happiness, says Blue Zones, to truly make your coffee or tea routine a Blue Zone.

4. The first person you see, say something kind to them

A journalist from Australia called Sarah Wilson said to be enquired about Buettner’s daily routine for her book First, We Make The Beast Beautiful: A New Story on Anxiety. As part of her daily routine, which also includes a healthy meal (full of fruits and whole grains) and 20 minutes of exercise (typically 20 minutes of yoga or a bike ride to work), Buettner literally complements others.

He sent Wilson an email with the directions, “Say something nice to the first person we meet.” “Behaviors are contagious, so if you do it to your neighbor, it probably will come back to you,” according to a Harvard study.

It’s possible that Buettner adopted this morning practice from his studies, given how crucial community involvement and deep relationships are in Blue Zones. Find your community and cultivate a wholesome social life in addition to starting this emotional cascade. Human communication, whether it occurs first thing in the morning or throughout the day, encourages happier, longer lives.

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