Lemons contain a lot of vitamin C, fiber, and other healthy plant elements. Numerous health advantages are caused by these minerals. Lemons may help with digestion, weight management, and heart health.
Other vital health advantages of lemons include:
1. Support heart health
Vitamin C can be found in abundance in lemons. About 31 mg of vitamin C is found in one lemon, which is 51% of the recommended daily allowance (RDI).
Consuming vitamin C-rich fruits and vegetables lowers your risk of heart disease and stroke, according to research.
But not just vitamin C is regarded to be beneficial for your heart. Lemons’ fiber and plant-based components may also dramatically reduce a few heart disease risk factors. One study, for instance, found that consuming 24 grams of citrus fiber extract every day for a month decreased total blood cholesterol levels.
Hesperidin and diosmin, two plant substances found in lemons, have also been discovered to decrease cholesterol.
2. Prevent kidney stones
Small lumps known as kidney stones develop when waste materials crystallize and accumulate in your kidneys. They are rather typical, and those who get them frequently do so again.
By raising the PH and volume of urine, which makes the environment less conducive to kidney stone development, citric acid may help prevent kidney stones. For those who have already had stones, a mere 1/2 cup (4 ounces or 125 ml) of lemon juice per day may be sufficient to help prevent new stone formation.
Lemonade was also useful in preventing kidney stones, according to some studies, but the evidence is conflicting. Other research has not revealed any impact.
Therefore, more thorough research is required to determine whether kidney stone production is impacted by lemon juice.
3. Reduce Cancer Risk
Some malignancies might be avoided with a balanced diet high in fruits and vegetables.
While other studies have revealed no impacts, certain observational studies have found that persons who eat the most citrus fruit had a lower risk of cancer. Numerous lemon-derived chemicals have been shown to destroy cancer cells in test-tube tests. They might not, however, have the same impact on the human body.
Some scientists believe that plant substances contained in lemons, like limonene and naringenin, may have anticancer properties, although further research is needed to confirm this claim.
The research found that these substances reduced the growth of malignant tumors in mice’s tongues, lungs, and colons.
It should be noted, too, that the research team utilized an extremely high dose of the compounds – significantly more than you would get from consuming lemons or oranges.
There is no solid evidence to support the claim that lemons can treat cancer in people, even though some plant chemicals found in lemons and other citrus fruits may have anticancer potential.
4. Improve Your Digestive Health
10% of lemons are made up of carbohydrates, primarily soluble fiber, and simple sugars. Lemons are mostly composed of pectin, a soluble fiber with several health advantages.
Slowing the digestion of sugars and carbohydrates is a benefit of soluble fiber. Blood sugar levels may drop as a result of these impacts. However, you must consume the pulp to benefit from lemons’ fiber.
Lemon juice without the fiber present in the pulp will not provide the same health advantages.
5. Help with Weight Control
There are a few hypotheses as to why lemons are frequently marketed as a food that helps people lose weight.
One popular hypothesis holds that the soluble pectin fiber in them causes your stomach to expand, prolonging your feeling of fullness.
But few individuals consume lemons whole. Lemon juice drinks won’t promote fullness in the same manner because they don’t include pectin.
However, drinking water has been shown to momentarily boost the number of calories burned, suggesting that lemon may not be the cause of weight loss.
According to research, there are several ways that plant chemicals found in lemon extracts may help prevent or reduce weight gain.
In one experiment, lemon polyphenols taken from the peel were fed to mice on a diet that made them overweight. Compared to other mice, they grew less weight and body fat.
However, there is little evidence to support the effects of lemon chemicals on human weight loss.