Nearly 2,500 government jobs are eliminated in Punjab

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Nearly 2,500 government jobs are eliminated in Punjab

The Punjab government has taken an important step by deciding to remove more than 2400 open positions in the Primary and Secondary Healthcare Department (PSHD), which range from grade 1 to 4. It has been publicly disclosed that these positions have been eliminated after going devoid for the previous year.

This choice has an impact on 2411 spots overall in the grades 1 through 4. Therefore, there won’t be any new recruitment to fill these positions.

Watchmen, security guards, helpers, drivers, cooks, substitute messengers, masochists, dais, beras, and sweepers are just a few of the positions that are affected.

The government will use sanitary workers paid on a daily basis to do the health department’s routine cleaning and sanitation duties.

These employees will be rewarded on a daily salary basis and hired through open-market contractors.

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