The electronic driving license option has been made available by Punjab Police to all of its residents. The Punjab Police’s Inspector General, Dr. Usman Anwar, has made an e-driving license available to help the public.
General Inspector of Punjab Police: “The driving license can also be downloaded in PDF form and used while driving.”
Additionally, according to IG Punjab, more than 3 million driving licenses have been issued to date, and 200 more driving license centers have been established around the Punjab province.

The government of Punjab has made an effort to help the people by giving them modern amenities.
The procedure has been maintained simply by the government; all that is required is that the user register their date of birth and national identity card number on the Punjab traffic police website. (DLIMS)Additionally, he added that “residents can download the electronic driving license in PDF format and save it on their mobile. The downloaded PDF driving license is available for use by citizens while traveling.
The QR facility is also accessible to the general public, according to Dr. Usman. This will facilitate the license check for traffic officers.
The features also have all the required data, including a license, address, and photo. According to IG Punjab Usmal Anwar, the Punjab Police issued driving permits to more than 3 million people this year. More than 200 licensing centers now exist throughout the province, up from 45 previously.
Additionally, he commended the Punjab Police for their outstanding work and complimented their effort. After receiving their e-driving licenses, Dr. Usmn Anwar urged the public to obey traffic laws.
Residents are encouraged to carefully adhere to the traffic laws. Local reports claim that the Federal Investigation Authority (FIA) has discovered 27,000 forged licenses in three years. According to estimates, a single fraudulent license costs somewhere between $4000 and $10,000. The suspect used a bogus website to verify the fake licenses.
Additionally, the offenders obtained the money via an online program and a printing device to create a phony driver’s license.
However, the Government of Switzerland has partnered with the Higher Education Commission (HEC) and established an “Excellence Scholarship Programme” for Pakistani students for the forthcoming academic year 2024–2025.
Local sources report that the APP has announced one-year Post-Masters Research, three-year Post-Masters, Ph.D., and one-year Post-Doctoral Programmes (PDP) for prospective students.
The Swiss embassy must receive candidate applications by September 30th, according to the Higher Commission.
Interested candidates should access the official website for further information. The Swiss Government Excellence Scholarships project’s goal is to provide master’s or doctoral degree-seeking international researchers with educational opportunities.